29 de abril de 2012

Aprenda a Instalar o IME para escrever em Japonês

Oiii pessoas do bem ^^

Creio que muitos de voces antes de virem aqui ja passaram por outros sites de lingua japonesa e descubriram que precisavam ter o IME para escrever em japonês, não é verdade. E descobriram também que é necessario do Cd do Windows para fazer tal configuração, não é msm?

Creio que muitos de voces pensaram " ãhn IME como consigo isso?" - " Com um Cd? Mas Que CD" - " CD do windows vixxxxxi nem tenho, como faço agora?"

Talvez muitos de voces estajam usando sites que permitam que voce escreva em japones, nao é mesmo? ^^

hehe seus problemas acabaram, pois comigo não há quem tema!!!! xD ....

Pois bem, agora voce ira aprender a como poder escrever em japones sem precisar da internet e sites.

# Passo 1 #
Faça download do arquivo >  Asian East Language
Assim que entrar no site para download vai no quadrinho do meio > Save File to......your computer.
Para fazer o download.
#Passo 2#
Depois que o download terminar abra ou descompacte, que ira sai uma pasta ( se nao me falha a memoria é a I384, ou algo assim, deixe-a onde pode acha-la depois) vai em Iniciar >> Configurações >> Painel De Controle

#Passo 3#
No seu painel de Controle ache o icone > Opções Regionais e de Idioma.
Abra-o e vai na aba Idiomas.

#Passo 4#
Nessa aba voce vai ver que ha 2 quaradinhos para ser assinalados. 
Marque a opção "Instalar  arquivos para idiomas do leste asiático" e clique em Aplicar. 

 #Passo 5#
Assim que voce clicar em aplicar ele vai pedir  para inserir o cd do windows para serem copiados os arquivos. Como não temos o cd, vai em Procurar  e Procure a Pasta I384 ( se nao me falha a memoria esse é o nome dela) e vai abrindo até começar a copiar os arquivos. 

#Passo 6#
Depois de copiados os Arquivos da Pasta ( e somente depois de copiados), ainda na mesma pasta vai em  Detalhes, a qual este abrira uma nova Janela. 

#Passo 7#
Nesta nova janela vai em Adicionar para inserir o Japonês.

 #Passo 8#
Escolha o Idioma de Entrada >> "Japonês" e o Layout/IME >>  "Japonês" . Clique em OK. Depois em Aplicar e Ok novamente.

#Passo 9#
 Agora na sua Barra de idiomas, voce vera um PT que indica portugues, clicando em cima dele voce vera que apareceu um JP de japones. Entao sempre que quiser escrever em Japones vai la e mude o PT para JP, e vice versa.

#Passo 10#
Mas antes de voce escrever em JP propriamente dito,voce tera de escolher se quer em Katakana ou Hiragana para isso voce vera um A mais para traz do JP. clicando nele voce pode escolher Hiragana ou [ full - width ] katakana para escrever em katakana. 

#Passo 7#
Se isso tudo nao aconteceu repita o passo 5 e continue dai. 

Duvidas por favor postem ai em baixo ^^

Os Ainus: Os Primeiros Povos do Japão

Ola pessoas do bem !!!! ^^

Hoje não vamos estudar gramática, vocábulario ou qualquer outra coisa ligada à língua japonesa. Hoje vamos estudar um pouco de história niponica, pois creio que muitos que aprendem a língua japonesa é porque algum dia desejam visitar, morar ou trabalhar lá no Japão. Então para que voces não cometam uma gafe das enormes com os japoneses, vamos estudar um pouco de historia japonesa ^^.

Antes de começar devo-lhes avisar  que vira e mexe colocarei citações dentro de aspas [ " " ], pois me utilizarei de outros sites e livros para poder contar-lhes um pouco da historia japonesa, com bibliografia no final é claro.

Então deixemos de enrolação e comecemos logo com isso, sim. 
vou me utilizar do mapa acima para melhores explicações sim ^^

Hoje irei falar a respeito dos Ainus [ em japonês アイヌ ], os ainus são um povo muito antigo que viviam no Japão. Eles são de uma etnia indigena que viviam nas ilhas de HOKKAIDO ( Aquela ilhazinha com o numero 1 de cor verde-agua), a ilha Sakhalina ( encontrada a Norte de Hokkaido, proximo a Russia) e nas Ilhas Curilas [ é Curilas mesmo, não confundam com Gurilas ^^] ( situada a nordeste de Hokkaido]
Creio que neste mapa ficará mais facil de entender:

Agora sim né? xD
"Mas como os ainus chegaram ate a ilha de Hokkaido????" deve estar se perguntando agora não é? veja como:

"As ilhas japonesas já são habitadas há pelo menos 30mil ano. Fosseis de plantas e de animais mostram que antigamente o Japão era unido a Asia continental ( ao continente asiatico ). É provável que os primeiros habitantes tenham MIGRADO ao longo de pontes de terra que outrora uniam a ilha de Honshu a Coreia e a ilha de Hokkaido a Siberia. O que hoje é o mar do Japão [ Sea of Japan] já foi um grande lago. Há cerca de 20mil anos as grandes geleiras derreteram, elevando o nivel do mar e criando os estreitos que separam as principais ilhas do Japão uma das outras e do continente."

bom essa é uma teoria provavel de como os seres humanos chegaram ao Japão.
Se estiver achando que isso é uma coisa muito surreal, lembre-se de suas aulas de historia na escola de como os seres humanos chegaram a America pelo ESTREITO DE BERING.... Mas voltemos ao Ainus,sim.

Hoje em dia vivem um pouco mais de 150.000 ainus, a maioria encontrada na ilha de Hokkaido.

"A maioria dos japoneses descende de uma mistura d povos mongois, malasios e polinesios. Os ainus são nitidamente diferentes; parecem-se mais com os povos da Siberia. São mais altos, de constituição mais robusta e têm mais barba e pelos no corpo do que os japoneses em geral."

                                                Temos aqui um exemplo de um homem Ainu atual.

                                       Familia Ainu. Como podem ver eles eram um povo bem rustico.

Esse povo, diferentemente do que pensam, têm idioma proprio totalmente diferente da lingua japonesa, a qual estamos aprendendo, que é falado por poucas pessoas.

Eles também de uma religião propria diferente do budismo e do xintoismo predominantes em todo o povo niponico.
"O povo Ainu respeita as coisas úteis e aproveitáveis para eles. As coisas que estão para alem de sua compreensão, estão sob o controle de “Kamuy” (Deus). Em sua biografia, o povo Ainu ora e realiza várias cerimônias para Deus. Seus Deuses incluem: Deus natureza; fogo, água, vento e trovão. Deus animal; ursos, raposas, corujas, salmão, baleias... Deus planta: cogumelos e artemísia. Deus objeto; canoas e panelas. Deuses que protegem suas casas, Deuses das montanhas e Deuses dos lagos."

Na lingua Ainu, a palavra "ainu" significa "homem", "humano".

                                                                Um casal Ainu

                                                              Mulher Ainu. Linda não? xD

Bom gente, o maximo de informações que encontrei sobre os ainus estão ai em cima, mas achar um bom material em portugues a respeito deles é complicado, mas pelo menos aprendemos quem foram os primeiros habitantes do Japão a qual não podiam passar despercebidos.

                                                      Exemplo de casa Ainu.

                                                                       Roupa Ainu

Se quiserem saber mais a respeito dos ainus temos os seguintes site:
Wikipedia [ in English ] Ainu People
Museu Ainu [ em japones ]

Se estiver no Japão, precisamente em Hokkaido, na provincia de SHiraoi e não tiver aonde ir podes ir ao Museu Ainu da cidade, este site diz a voce como chegar la:
Museu Ainu de Shiraoi [ in English ]

Bom pessoas é isso por hoje
That's all folks! xD
Espero que tenham gostado e viremos com mais historia japonesa futuramente ^^

WIKIPEDIA, AINUS. http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ainus

21 de abril de 2012

# Vocabulario - JLPT 3

kanji   ~>   leitura em hiragana   ~>  tradução em portugues
3750 palavras ^^

obs.: algumas palavras não possuem kanji, entao so eh mostrado em hiragana ^^
>>>JLPT 3:

あっ Ah!,Oh!
あい love
挨拶 あいさつ greeting,salutation
愛情 あいじょう love,affection
合図 あいず sign,signal
アイスクリーム ice cream
する あいする to love
相手 あいて companion,partner,company
あいにく unfortunately,Sorry, but....
アイロン (electric) iron
アウト out
明かり あかり lamplight,light (in general),brightness
空き あき room,time to spare,emptiness
明らか あきらか obvious,evident,clear
諦める あきらめる to give up,to abandon
飽きる あきる to get tired of,to lose interest in,to have enough
握手 あくしゅ handshake
悪魔 あくま devil,demon,evil spirit
明ける あける to dawn,to become daylight
あした tomorrow
預ける あずける to give into custody,to entrust,to deposit
あせ sweat,perspiration
与え あたえる to give,to present,to award
暖かい あたたか() warm,mild
辺り あたり vicinity,nearby
当たる あたる to be hit,to be successful,to be equivalent to
あちこち here and there
扱う あつかう to handle,to deal with,to treat
集まり あつまり gathering,meeting,assembly,collection
当てる あてる to hit,to apply a patch
あと (1) trace,tracks,mark,sign,(2) remains,ruins,(3) scar
あと (1) trace,tracks,(2) remains,ruins,(3) scar
あな hole
浴びる あびる to bathe,to bask in the sun,to shower
あぶら oil
余り あまり not very (used as adverb),not much
誤り あやまり error
あら defect,flaw,blemish,weak point
あらし storm,tempest
新た あらた new,fresh,novel
あらゆる all,every
表す あらわす to express,to show,to reveal
現す あらわす to show,to indicate,to display
現れ あらわれ embodiment,materialization
現れる あらわれる (1) to appear,to come in sight,to become visible,(2) to express oneself
ありがとう (conj,exp,int) Thank you
有る ある to be,to have
ある a certain...,some...
あるいは or,possibly
アルバム album
あわ bubble,foam,froth,head on beer
合わせる あわせる to join together,to be opposite,to face,to unite
哀れ あわれ helpless,pity,sorrow,grief
あん plan,suffix meaning draft
暗記 あんき memorization,learning by heart
安定 あんてい stability,equilibrium
案内 あんない information,guidance,leading
あんなに to that extent,to that degree
あんまり not very,not much,remainder,rest
いい good
よい good,nice,pleasant,ok
いえ いえ TODO same as いいえ?
委員 いいん committee member
言う ゆう to say
意外 いがい unexpected,surprising
行き いき going
行き ゆき going
いき breath,tone
勢い いきおい force,vigor,energy,spirit
生き物 いきもの living thing,animal
幾つ いくつ how many?,how old?
幾ら いくら how much?,how many?
いけない must not do,bad,wrong,not good
医師 いし doctor,physician
意思 いし intention,purpose
意志 いし will,volition
維持 いじ maintenance,preservation
意識 いしき consciousness,senses
異常 いじょう strangeness,abnormality,disorder
椅子 いす chair
いずみ spring,fountain
いずれ where,which,who
以前 いぜん ago,since,before,previous
いた board,plank
偉大 いだい greatness
抱く いだく (sl) to embrace,to hug,to harbour,to entertain
いたずら tease,prank,trick,practical joke
いただきます expression of gratitude before meals
頂く いただく to receive,to take food or drink (hum)
痛み いたみ pain,ache,sore,grief,distress
至る いたる to come,to arrive
いち market,fair
位置 いち place,situation,position,location
一時 いちじ moment,time
一度に いちどに all at once
市場 いちば (the) market (as a concept)
一番 いちばん best,first,number one
いつか sometime,someday,one day
一家 いっか a house,a home,a family,a household
一種 いっしゅ a species,a kind,a variety
一瞬 いっしゅん a moment,an instant
一生 いっしょう whole life,a lifetime,all through life
一層 いっそう much more,still more,all the more
一体 いったい (1) one object,one body,(2) what on earth?,really?,(3) generally
一致 いっち (1) coincidence,agreement,(2) conformity
いつでも (at) any time,always,at all times,never (neg)
一般 いっぱん general,liberal,universal,ordinary,average
一方 いっぽう (1) on the other hand,(2) meanwhile,(3) only,simple,in turn
いつまでも forever,for good,eternally,as long as one likes,indefinitely
いつも いつも always,usually,every time,never (with neg. verb)
移動 いどう removal,migration,movement
従兄弟 いとこ cousin (male)
いね rice-plant
居眠り いねむり dozing,nodding off
いのち command,decree,life,destiny
違反 いはん violation (of law),transgression,infringement,breach
衣服 いふく clothes
居間 いま living room (western style)
今に いまに before long,even now
今にも いまにも at any time,soon
いや no,the noes
以来 いらい since,henceforth
依頼 いらい (1) request,commission,dispatch,(2) dependence,trust
いらいら getting nervous,irritation
いらっしゃい welcome
医療 いりょう medical care,medical treatment
いわ rock,crag
祝い いわい celebration,festival
祝う いわう to congratulate,to celebrate
言わば いわば so to speak
いわゆる the so-called,so to speak
インク ink
印刷 いんさつ printing
印象 いんしょう impression
引退 いんたい retire
引用 いんよう quotation,citation
ウイスキー whisky
うわ upper,outer,surface
うお fish
うがい gargle,rinse mouth
伺う うかがう (hon) to visit,to ask,to inquire
受け取る うけとる to receive,to get,to accept,to take
動かす うごかす to move,to shift
うさぎ rabbit,hare,cony
うし cattle,cow
失う うしなう to lose,to part with
うしろ afterwards,since then,in the future
うそ lie,falsehood,incorrect fact,inappropriate
疑う うたがう to doubt,to distrust,to be suspicious of,to suspect
うち inside
宇宙 うちゅう universe,cosmos,space
撃つ うつ to attack,to defeat,to destroy
移す うつす to remove,to transfer,to infect
訴える うったえる to sue (a person),to resort to,to appeal to
うなる to groan,to moan
奪う うばう to snatch away
うま (1) horse,(2) promoted bishop (shogi)
うまい うまい delicious
生まれ うまれ birth,birth-place
うめ plum,plum-tree,lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)
裏切る うらぎる to betray,to turn traitor to,to double-cross
うるさい noisy,loud,fussy
嬉しい うれしい happy,glad,pleasant
売れる うれる to be sold
うわさ rumour,report,gossip,common talk
うん fortune,luck
うん fortune,luck
運転 うんてん operation,motion,driving
運動 うんどう motion,exercise
永遠 えいえん eternity,perpetuity,immortality,permanence
永久 えいきゅう eternity,perpetuity,immortality
影響 えいきょう influence,effect
営業 えいぎょう business,trade,management
衛星 えいせい satellite
栄養 えいよう nutrition,nourishment
笑顔 えがお smiling face
描く えがく to draw,to paint,to sketch,to depict,to describe
えさ feed,bait
エネルギー (n) energy (de: Energie)
得る える to get,to gain,to win
得る うる to get,to gain,to win
えん circle,money
延期 えんき postponement,adjournment
演技 えんぎ acting,performance
援助 えんじょ assistance,aid,support
エンジン engine
演説 えんぜつ speech,address
演奏 えんそう musical performance
遠慮 えんりょ diffidence,restraint,reserve
老い おい old age,old person,the old,the aged
追い付く おいつく to overtake,to catch up (with)
おう king,ruler,sovereign,monarch
追う おう to chase,to run after
王様 おうさま king
王子 おうじ prince
応じる おうじる to respond,to satisfy,to accept,to comply with,to apply for
横断 おうだん crossing
終える おえる to finish
大いに おおいに very,much,greatly
覆う おおう to cover,to hide,to conceal,to wrap,to disguise
オーバー (1) overcoat,(2) over
大家 おおや rich family,distinguished family
おか hill,height,knoll,rising ground
おき open sea
おく interior,inner part
贈る おくる to send,to give to,to award to,to confer on
起こる おこる to occur,to happen
幼い おさない very young,childish
収める おさめる to obtain,to reap,to pay,to supply,to accept
おじいさん grandfather,male senior-citizen
おしゃべり chattering,talk,idle talk
汚染 おせん pollution,contamination
おそらく perhaps
恐れる おそれる to fear,to be afraid of
恐ろしい おそろしい terrible,dreadful
お互い おたがい mutual,reciprocal,each other
穏やか おだやか calm,gentle,quiet
男の人 おとこのひと man
劣る おとる to fall behind,to be inferior to
お腹 おなか stomach
おに ogre,demon,it (i.e., in a game of tag)
おび band (e.g. conduction, valence)
お昼 おひる lunch,noon
オフィス office
溺れる おぼれる to be drowned,to indulge in
おまえ (fam) you (sing),presence (of a high personage)
おめでとう Congratulations!,an auspicious occasion!
お目に掛かる おめにかかる
思い出 おもいで memories,recollections,reminiscence
主に おもに mainly,primarily
思わず おもわず unintentional,spontaneous
おや parents
泳ぎ およぎ swimming
およそ about,roughly,as a rule,approximately
及ぼす およぼす to exert,to cause,to exercise
居る おる to be (animate),to be,to exist
下す おろす to lower,to let go down
降ろす おろす to take down,to launch,to drop
おわり the end
おん sound,note
おん favour,obligation,debt of gratitude
温暖 おんだん warmth
温度 おんど temperature
counter for chapters (of a book)
カー car
カード card,curd
かい meeting,assembly,party,association,club
かい counter for occurrences
がい injury,harm,evil influence,damage
会員 かいいん member,the membership
絵画 かいが picture
海外 かいがい foreign,abroad,overseas
会計 かいけい account,finance,accountant
解決 かいけつ settlement,solution,resolution
会合 かいごう meeting,assembly
外交 がいこう diplomacy
開始 かいし start,commencement,beginning
解釈 かいしゃく explanation,interpretation
外出 がいしゅつ outing,going out
改善 かいぜん betterment,improvement
快適 かいてき pleasant,agreeable,comfortable
回復 かいふく recovery (from illness),improvement,rehabilitation,restoration
飼う かう to keep,to raise,to feed
替える かえる to exchange,to interchange,to substitute,to replace
換える かえる to exchange,to interchange,to substitute,to replace
香り かおり aroma,fragrance,scent,smell
画家 がか painter,artist
抱える かかえる to hold or carry under or in the arms
価格 かかく price,value,cost
化学 かがく chemistry
輝く かがやく to shine,to glitter,to sparkle
かかり official,duty,person in charge
掛かる かかる to take (e.g. time, money, etc),to hang
罹る かかる to suffer from
かぎ key
限る かぎる to restrict,to limit,to confine
描く かく to draw,to paint,to sketch,to depict,to describe
家具 かぐ furniture
がく learning,scholarship,erudition,knowledge
がく forehead,brow
覚悟 かくご resolution,resignation,readiness,preparedness
確実 かくじつ certainty,reliability,soundness
学者 がくしゃ scholar
学習 がくしゅう study,learning
隠す かくす to hide,to conceal
拡大 かくだい magnification,enlargement
確認 かくにん affirmation,confirmation
学問 がくもん scholarship,study,learning
隠れる かくれる to hide,to be hidden,to conceal oneself,to disappear
かげ shade,shadow,other side
かげ shade,shadow,other side
欠ける かける to be lacking
加減 かげん addition and subtraction,allowance for
過去 かこ the past,bygone days,the previous
かご basket,cage
囲む かこむ to surround,to encircle
火災 かさい conflagration,fire
貸し かし loan,lending
菓子 かし pastry
家事 かじ housework,domestic chores
賢い かしこい wise,clever,smart
歌手 かしゅ singer
かず number,figure
稼ぐ かせぐ to earn income,to labor
数える かぞえる to count
かた mold,model,style,shape,data-type
かた shoulder
硬い かたい solid,hard (esp. metal, stone),unpolished writing
方々 かたがた persons,this and that,here and there,everywhere
かたな sword,saber,knife,engraving tool
語る かたる to talk,to tell,to recite
勝ち かち win,victory
価値 かち value,worth,merit
がっかり feel disappointed,be dejected,lose heart
活気 かっき energy,liveliness
学期 がっき term (school)
格好 かっこう shape,form,posture,suitability
活動 かつどう action,activity
活用 かつよう conjugation,practical use
悲しむ かなしむ to be sad,to mourn for,to regret
必ずしも かならずしも (not) always,(not) necessarily,(not) all,(not) entirely
かなり considerably,fairly,quite
かね (1) gold,(2) gold general (shogi) (abbr)
金持ち かねもち rich man
可能 かのう possible,practicable,feasible
かぶ share,stock,stump (of tree)
被る かぶる to suffer
構う かまう to mind,to care about,to be concerned about
我慢 がまん patience,endurance,perseverance
かみ (1) first volume,(2) superior quality,(3) governmental
かみ god
かみなり thunder
髪の毛 かみのけ hair (head)
科目 かもく (school) subject,curriculum,course
かもしれない may,might,perhaps,may be,possibly
火曜 かよう (abbr) Tuesday
から sky
がら hilt (of a sword),haft (of a dagger),handgrip
刈る かる to cut (hair),to mow (grass),to harvest
彼等 かれら they (usually male)
かわ river
かわ river,stream
かわ skin,hide,leather,fur,pelt,bark,shell
かわ leather
かわいそう poor,pitiable,pathetic
かわいらしい lovely,sweet
かん can,tin
かん perception,intuition,the sixth sense
考え かんがえ thinking,thought,ideas,intention
感覚 かんかく sense,sensation
観客 かんきゃく audience,spectator(s)
環境 かんきょう environment,circumstance
歓迎 かんげい welcome,reception
観光 かんこう sightseeing
観察 かんさつ observation,survey
感じ かんじ feeling,sense,impression
感謝 かんしゃ thanks,gratitude
患者 かんじゃ a patient
勘定 かんじょう calculation,counting,consideration
感情 かんじょう emotion(s),feeling(s),sentiment
感じる かんじる to feel,to sense,to experience
感心 かんしん admiration,Well done!
関心 かんしん concern,interest
関する かんする to concern,to be related
完成 かんせい (1) complete,completion,(2) perfection,accomplishment
完全 かんぜん perfection,completeness
感動 かんどう being deeply moved,excitement,impression,deep emotion
監督 かんとく supervision,control,superintendence
管理 かんり control,management (e.g. of a business)
完了 かんりょう completion,conclusion
関連 かんれん relation,connection,relevance
議員 ぎいん member of the Diet, congress or parliament
記憶 きおく memory,recollection,remembrance
気温 きおん temperature
機械 きかい machine,mechanism
議会 ぎかい Diet,congress,parliament
期間 きかん period,term
機関 きかん organ,mechanism,facility,engine
企業 きぎょう enterprise,undertaking
効く きく to be effective
機嫌 きげん humour,temper,mood
気候 きこう climate
きし bank,coast,shore
生地 きじ birthplace
記事 きじ article,news story,report,account
技師 ぎし engineer,technician
記者 きしゃ reporter
きず wound,injury,hurt,cut
期待 きたい expectation,anticipation,hope
帰宅 きたく returning home
貴重 きちょう precious,valuable
議長 ぎちょう chairman
きちんと precisely,accurately
きつい tight,close,intense
気付く きづく to notice,to recognize,to become aware of
気に入る きにいる to be pleased with,to suit
記入 きにゅう entry,filling in of forms
記念 きねん commemoration,memory
機能 きのう function,faculty
気の毒 きのどく pitiful,a pity
寄付 きふ contribution,donation
希望 きぼう hope,wish,aspiration
基本 きほん foundation,basis,standard
決まり きまり settlement,conclusion,regulation,rule
気味 きみ -like,-looking,-looked
奇妙 きみょう strange,queer,curious
義務 ぎむ duty,obligation,responsibility
疑問 ぎもん question,problem,doubt,guess
ぎゃく reverse,opposite
キャプテン captain
キャンプ camp
きゅう nine
きゅう ex-
きゅう class, grade, rank,school class, grade
きゅう globe,sphere,ball
休暇 きゅうか holiday,day off,furlough
休憩 きゅうけい rest,break,recess,intermission
急激 きゅうげき sudden,precipitous,radical
吸収 きゅうしゅう absorption,suction,attraction
救助 きゅうじょ relief,aid,rescue
急速 きゅうそく rapid (e.g. progress)
急に きゅうに
給料 きゅうりょう salary,wages
器用 きよう skillful,handy
教科書 きょうかしょ text book
競技 きょうぎ game,match,contest
行儀 ぎょうぎ manners
供給 きょうきゅう supply,provision
教師 きょうし teacher (classroom)
教授 きょうじゅ teaching,instruction,professor
強調 きょうちょう emphasis,stress,stressed point
共通 きょうつう commonness,community
共同 きょうどう cooperation,association,collaboration,joint
恐怖 きょうふ be afraid,dread,dismay,terror
協力 きょうりょく cooperation,collaboration
強力 きょうりょく herculean strength,mountain carrier-guide
許可 きょか permission,approval
きょく court lady,lady in waiting
巨大 きょだい huge,gigantic,enormous
嫌う きらう to hate,to dislike,to loathe
きり fog,mist
切れ きれ cloth,piece,cut,chop
切れる きれる (1) to cut well,to be sharp,(2) to break (off)
キロ (abbr) kilo-,kilogram,kilometre,10^3
記録 きろく record,minutes,document
議論 ぎろん argument,discussion,dispute
きん (1) gold,(2) gold general (shogi) (abbr)
ぎん (1) silver,silver coin,silver paint
禁煙 きんえん No Smoking!
金額 きんがく amount of money
金庫 きんこ safe,vault,treasury,provider of funds
禁止 きんし prohibition,ban
金銭 きんせん money,cash
金属 きんぞく metal
近代 きんだい present day
緊張 きんちょう tension,mental strain,nervousness
筋肉 きんにく muscle,sinew
金融 きんゆう monetary circulation,credit situation
金曜 きんよう (abbr) Friday
食う くう (male) (vulg) to eat
偶然 ぐうぜん (by) chance,unexpectedly,suddenly
臭い くさい odour,scent,smell,stench
くさり chain
腐る くさる to rot,to go bad
くせ a habit (often a bad habit),peculiarity
くだ pipe,tube
具体 ぐたい concrete,tangible,material
下さる くださる (hon) to give,to confer
下り くだり down-train (going away from Tokyo)
苦痛 くつう pain,agony
ぐっすり sound asleep,fast asleep
区別 くべつ distinction,differentiation,classification
くみ class,group,team,set
組合 くみあい association,union
組む くむ to put together
くもり cloudiness,cloudy weather,shadow
くらい grade,rank,about
暮らし くらし living,livelihood,subsistence,circumstances
クラシック classic(s)
暮らす くらす to live,to get along
グラス (1) glass,(2) grass
グランド gland,grand,(electrical) ground
クリーム cream
繰り返す くりかえす to repeat,to do something over again
クリスマス Christmas
狂う くるう to go mad,to get out of order
グループ group
苦しい くるしい painful,difficult
苦しむ くるしむ to suffer,to groan,to be worried
暮れ くれ year end,sunset,nightfall,end
苦労 くろう troubles,hardships
加える くわえる to append,to sum up,to add (up)
詳しい くわしい knowing very well,detailed,full,accurate
加わる くわわる to join in,to accede to,to increase,to gain in (influence)
くん native Japanese reading of a Chinese character
ぐん army,force,troops
軍隊 ぐんたい army,troops
訓練 くんれん practice,training
けい plan
敬意 けいい respect,honour
経営 けいえい management,administration
計画 けいかく plan,project,schedule,scheme,program
景気 けいき condition,state,business (condition)
経験 けいけん experience
傾向 けいこう tendency,trend,inclination
警告 けいこく warning,advice
計算 けいさん calculation,reckoning
掲示 けいじ notice,bulletin
刑事 けいじ criminal case,(police) detective
芸術 げいじゅつ (fine) art,the arts
契約 けいやく contract,compact,agreement
経由 けいゆ go by the way,via
ケース case
ゲーム game
怪我 けが injury (to animate object),hurt
げき drama,play
劇場 げきじょう theatre,playhouse
化粧 けしょう make-up (cosmetic)
けち stinginess,miser,miserliness
結果 けっか result,consequence
欠陥 けっかん defect,fault,deficiency
結局 けっきょく after all,eventually
決心 けっしん determination,resolution
欠席 けっせき absence,non-attendance
決定 けってい decision,determination
欠点 けってん faults,defect,weakness
月曜 げつよう Monday
結論 けつろん conclusion
けむり smoke,fumes
けん ticket,coupon,bond,certificate
けん prefecture
けん eaves
喧嘩 けんか quarrel,(drunken) brawl,failure
見解 けんかい opinion,point of view
限界 げんかい limit,bound
現金 げんきん cash,ready money,mercenary,self-interested
言語 げんご language
健康 けんこう health,sound,wholesome
検査 けんさ inspection (e.g. customs, factory),examination
現在 げんざい present,up to now,nowadays,modern times,current
現実 げんじつ reality
現象 げんしょう phenomenon
現状 げんじょう present condition,existing state,status quo
建設 けんせつ construction,establishment
現代 げんだい nowadays,modern times,present-day
建築 けんちく construction,architecture
見当 けんとう be found,aim,estimate,guess,approx
検討 けんとう consideration,examination,investigation,study,scrutiny
現場 げんば actual spot,scene,scene of the crime
憲法 けんぽう constitution
権利 けんり right,privilege
afterwards,since then,in the future
こい love,tender passion
濃い こい thick (as of color, liquid),dense,strong
恋人 こいびと lover,sweetheart
幸運 こううん good luck,fortune
講演 こうえん lecture,address
効果 こうか effect,effectiveness,efficacy,result
硬貨 こうか coin
高価 こうか high price
豪華 ごうか wonderful,gorgeous,splendor,pomp,extravagance
合格 ごうかく success,passing (e.g. exam),eligibility
交換 こうかん exchange,interchange,reciprocity
航空 こうくう aviation,flying
光景 こうけい scene,spectacle
合計 ごうけい sum total,total amount
攻撃 こうげき attack,strike,offensive,criticism,censure
貢献 こうけん contribution,services
広告 こうこく advertisement
交際 こうさい company,friendship,association,society,acquaintance
後者 こうしゃ the latter
工場 こうば factory,plant,mill,workshop
構成 こうせい organization,composition
高速 こうそく high speed,high gear
行動 こうどう action,conduct,behaviour,mobilization
強盗 ごうとう robbery,burglary
幸福 こうふく happiness,blessedness
公平 こうへい fairness,impartial,justice
候補 こうほ candidacy
考慮 こうりょ consideration,taking into account
越える こえる to exceed,to cross over,to cross
コーチ coach
コード code,cord,chord
こおり ice,hail
凍る こおる to freeze,to be frozen over,to congeal
ゴール goal
誤解 ごかい misunderstanding
語学 ごがく language study
呼吸 こきゅう breath,respiration
故郷 こきょう home town,birthplace,old village,historic village
ごく quite,very
国語 こくご national language
黒板 こくばん blackboard
克服 こくふく subjugation,conquest
国民 こくみん national,people,citizen
穀物 こくもつ grain,cereal,corn
ここ ここ here
こし hip
故障 こしょう break-down,failure,accident,out of order
個人 こじん individual,private person,personal,private
越す こす to go over (e.g. with audience)
国家 こっか state,country,nation
国会 こっかい National Diet,parliament,congress
国境 こっきょう national or state border
骨折 こっせつ bone fracture
小包 こづつみ parcel,package
こと thing,matter,fact,circumstances
異なる ことなる to differ,to vary,to disagree
ことわざ proverb,maxim
断る ことわる to refuse,to decline,to dismiss
こな flour,meal,powder
この この this
好み このみ liking,taste,choice
好む このむ to like,to prefer
コピー (1) a (photo)copy,(2) blurb on a book jacket
ごみ dust,dirt
小麦 こむぎ wheat
ごめんなさい I beg your pardon,excuse me
小屋 こや hut,cabin,shed,(animal) pen
これら these
ころ time,about,toward,approximately (time)
殺す ころす to kill
転ぶ ころぶ to fall down,to fall over
今回 こんかい now,this time,lately
今後 こんご from now on,hereafter
混雑 こんざつ confusion,congestion
こんなに so,like this,in this way
困難 こんなん difficulty,distress
今日 こんにち today,this day
こんにちは hello,good day (daytime greeting, id)
コンピューター computer
婚約 こんやく engagement,betrothal
混乱 こんらん disorder,chaos,confusion,mayhem
サービス (1) service,support system,(2) goods or services without charge
さい on the occasion of,circumstances
最高 さいこう highest,supreme,the most
財産 ざいさん property,fortune,assets
最終 さいしゅう last,final,closing
最中 さいちゅう in the middle of
最低 さいてい least,lowest,worst
才能 さいのう talent,ability
裁判 さいばん trial,judgement
材料 ざいりょう ingredients,material
幸い さいわい happiness,blessedness
サイン (1) autograph,(2) sign,(3) sine
さかい border,boundary,mental state
逆らう さからう to go against,to oppose,to disobey,to defy
盛り さかり helping,serving
作業 さぎょう work,operation,manufacturing,fatigue duty
さく last (year),yesterday
作品 さくひん work,opus,performance,production
作物 さくもつ produce (e.g. agricultural),crops
さくら cherry blossom,cherry tree
さけ alcohol,sake
叫ぶ さけぶ to shout,to cry
避ける さける (1) to avoid (physical contact ),(2) to ward off,to avert
支える ささえる to be blocked,to choke,to be obstructed
指す さす to point,to put up umbrella,to play
座席 ざせき seat
誘う さそう (1) to invite,to ask,(2) to tempt,to lure,to induce
さつ (1) token,label,(2) ticket,(3) charm
作家 さっか author,writer,novelist,artist
作曲 さっきょく composition,setting (of music)
ざっと roughly,in round numbers
さっぱり feeling refreshed,feeling relieved,neat,trimmed
さて well,now,then
砂漠 さばく desert
差別 さべつ discrimination,distinction,differentiation
作法 さほう manners,etiquette,propriety
様々 さまざま varied,various
覚ます さます to awaken
覚める さめる to wake,to wake up
左右 さゆう (1) left and right,(2) influence,control,domination
さら plate,dish
更に さらに furthermore,again,after all,more and more,moreover
去る さる to leave,to go away
さる monkey
騒ぎ さわぎ uproar,disturbance
参加 さんか participation
参考 さんこう reference,consultation
賛成 Uӣ[ approval,agreement,support,favour
酸素 さんそ oxygen
散歩 さんぽ walk,stroll
family name,lineage,birth
poem,verse of poetry
幸せ しあわせ happiness,good fortune,luck,blessing
ジーンズ jeans
ジェット機 ジェットき jet aeroplane
直に じかに immediately,readily,directly
しかも moreover,furthermore,nevertheless,and yet
叱る しかる to scold
しき equation,formula,ceremony
じき earnestly,immediately,exactly
時期 じき time,season,period
支給 しきゅう payment,allowance
しきりに frequently,repeatedly,incessantly,eagerly
刺激 しげき stimulus,impetus,incentive
資源 しげん resources
事件 じけん event,affair,incident
時刻 じこく instant,time,moment
自殺 じさつ suicide
事実 じじつ fact,truth,reality
支出 ししゅつ expenditure,expenses
事情 じじょう circumstances,consideration,conditions,situation,reasons
詩人 しじん poet
自身 じしん by oneself,personally
沈む しずむ to sink,to feel depressed
自然 しぜん nature,spontaneous
思想 しそう thought,idea
した tongue
次第 しだい (1) order,precedence,(2) circumstances,(3) immediate(ly)
事態 じたい situation,present state of affairs
従う したがう to abide (by the rules),to obey,to follow,to accompany
したがって したがって therefore,consequently,in accordance with
支度 したく preparation
親しい したしい intimate,close (e.g. friend)
しち seven
しつ quality,nature (of person)
失業 しつぎょう unemployment
実験 じっけん experiment
実現 じつげん implementation,materialization,realization
実行 じっこう practice,performance,execution (e.g. program),realization
実際 じっさい practical,actual condition,status quo
実施 じっし enforcement,enact,put into practice,carry out,operation
じっと fixedly,firmly,patiently,quietly
実に じつに indeed,truly,surely
実は じつは as a matter of fact,by the way
失望 しつぼう disappointment,despair
支店 してん branch store (office)
指導 しどう leadership,guidance,coaching
自動 じどう automatic,self-motion
しな thing,article,goods,dignity,article (goods),counter for meal courses
支配 しはい rule,control,direction
芝居 しばい play,drama
しばしば often,again and again,frequently
芝生 しばふ lawn
支払 しはらい payment
支払う しはらう to pay
死亡 しぼう death,mortality
資本 しほん funds,capital
しまい終わり sisters
姉妹 しまい sisters
しまう終わる to finish,to close,to do something completely
しまった Damn it!
自慢 じまん pride,boast
事務 じむ business,office work
示す しめす to denote,to show,to point out,to indicate
占める しめる (1) to comprise,to account for,to make up (of),(2) to hold,to occupy
しも under,below,beneath
しも frost
じゃあ well,well then
借金 しゃっきん debt,loan,liabilities
しゃべる to talk,to chat,to chatter
邪魔 じゃま hindrance,intrusion
しゅう week
しゅう sandbank
じゅう 10,ten
じゅう gun
周囲 しゅうい surroundings,circumference,environs
収穫 しゅうかく harvest,crop,ingathering
週間 しゅうかん week,weekly
宗教 しゅうきょう religion
重視 じゅうし importance,stress,serious consideration
就職 しゅうしょく finding employment,inauguration
ジュース juice,soft drink,deuce
修正 しゅうせい amendment,correction,revision,modification
渋滞 じゅうたい congestion (e.g. traffic),delay,stagnation
重大 じゅうだい serious,important,grave,weighty
住宅 じゅうたく resident,housing
集団 しゅうだん group,mass
集中 しゅうちゅう concentration,focusing the mind
収入 しゅうにゅう income,receipts,revenue
住民 じゅうみん citizens,inhabitants,residents,population
重要 じゅうよう important,momentous,essential,principal,major
修理 しゅうり repairing,mending
主義 しゅぎ doctrine,rule,principle
宿泊 しゅくはく lodging
手術 しゅじゅつ surgical operation
首相 しゅしょう Prime Minister
手段 しゅだん means,way,measure
主張 しゅちょう claim,request,insistence,assertion
出身 しゅっしん graduate from,come from
出席 しゅっせき attendance,presence
出発 しゅっぱつ departure
出版 しゅっぱん publication
首都 しゅと capital city
主婦 しゅふ housewife,mistress
主要 しゅよう chief,main,principal,major
需要 じゅよう demand,request
種類 しゅるい variety,kind,type
じゅん order,turn
瞬間 しゅんかん moment,second,instant
順調 じゅんちょう favourable,doing well,O.K.,all right
順番 じゅんばん turn (in line),order of things
準備 じゅんび preparation,arrangements,provision,reserve
使用 しよう use,application,employment,utilization
しょう (1) chapter,section,(2) medal
しょう prize,award
じょう (1) first volume,(2) superior quality,(3) governmental
障害 しょうがい obstacle,impediment (fault),damage
奨学金 しょうがくきん scholarship
乗客 じょうきゃく passenger
上京 じょうきょう proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)
状況 じょうきょう state of affairs,situation,circumstances
条件 じょうけん conditions,terms
正午 しょうご noon,mid-day
正直 しょうじき honesty,integrity,frankness
常識 じょうしき common sense
少女 しょうじょ daughter,young lady,virgin,maiden,little girl
少々 しょうしょう just a minute,small quantity
症状 しょうじょう symptoms,condition
生じる しょうじる to produce,to yield,to result from,to arise,to be generated
招待 しょうたい invitation
状態 じょうたい condition,situation,circumstances,state
上達 じょうたつ improvement,advance,progress
冗談 じょうだん jest,joke
承知 しょうち consent,acceptance,assent,admitting
上等 じょうとう superiority,first class,very good
衝突 しょうとつ collision,conflict
商人 しょうにん trader,shopkeeper,merchant
承認 しょうにん recognition,acknowledgement,approval,consent,agreement
少年 しょうねん boys,juveniles
商売 しょうばい trade,business,commerce,transaction,occupation
消費 しょうひ consumption,expenditure
商品 しょうひん commodity,article of commerce,goods,stock,merchandise
消防 しょうぼう fire fighting,fire department
情報 じょうほう information,(military) intelligence
証明 しょうめい proof,verification
女王 じょおう queen
しょく employment
職業 しょくぎょう occupation,business
食事 しょくじ meal
食卓 しょくたく dining table
食品 しょくひん commodity,foodstuff
植物 しょくぶつ plant,vegetation
食物 しょくもつ food,foodstuff
食欲 しょくよく appetite (for food)
食料 しょくりょう food
食糧 しょくりょう provisions,rations
書斎 しょさい study
女子 じょし woman,girl
助手 じょしゅ helper,helpmeet,assistant,tutor
徐々に じょじょに slowly,little by little,gradually,steadily,quietly
署名 しょめい signature
書物 しょもつ books
女優 じょゆう actress
処理 しょり processing,dealing with,treatment,disposition,disposal
書類 しょるい documents,official papers
知らせ しらせ notice
しり buttocks,bottom
しるし (1) mark,(2) symbol,(3) evidence
しろ castle
進学 しんがく going on to university
神経 しんけい nerve,sensitivity
真剣 しんけん seriousness,earnestness
信仰 しんこう (religious) faith,belief,creed
信号 しんごう traffic lights,signal,semaphore
人工 じんこう artificial,manmade,human work,human skill,artificiality
深刻 しんこく serious
診察 しんさつ medical examination
人種 じんしゅ race (of people)
信じる しんじる to believe,to place trust in
人生 じんせい (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
親戚 しんせき relative
新鮮 しんせん fresh
心臓 しんぞう heart
身体 しんたい the body
身長 しんちょう height (of body),stature
慎重 しんちょう discretion,prudence
心配 しんぱい worry,concern,anxiety,care
審判 しんぱん refereeing,trial,judgement,umpire,referee
人物 じんぶつ character,personality,person,man,personage,talented man
進歩 しんぽ progress,development
親友 しんゆう close friend,buddy
信用 しんよう confidence,dependence,credit,faith
信頼 しんらい reliance,trust,confidence
心理 しんり mentality
人類 じんるい mankind,humanity
nest,rookery,breeding place,beehive,cobweb
figure (e.g. Fig 1),drawing,picture,illustration
水準 すいじゅん (1) water level,(2) level,standard
推薦 すいせん recommendation
スイッチ switch
随分 ずいぶん extremely
睡眠 すいみん sleep
すう number,figure
数字 すうじ numeral,figure
スープ (Western) soup
すえ the end of,powder
姿 すがた figure,shape,appearance
スキー skiing
空く すく (1) to open,to become empty,(2) to be less crowded
救う すくう to rescue from,to help out of
優れる すぐれる to surpass,to outstrip,to excel
スケート skate(s),skating
すごい terrible,dreadful,terrific,amazing,great
少しも すこしも anything of,not one bit
過ごす すごす to pass,to spend,to go through,to tide over
すじ muscle,string,line
進める すすめる to advance,to promote,to hasten
勧める すすめる to recommend,to advise,to encourage,to offer (wine)